(505) 884-0600
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4805 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110
9 am – 4 pm MT
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Mechanical Antiques Repair and Restoration
I have been servicing mechanical antiques for 57 years. I repair/restore Vintage Typewriters and Phonographs in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
If you bring your items to our shop, we will give you an exact cost estimate for its repair/restoration. If you contact us for an estimate, we will ask for pictures to document the needed work and then will provide an estimate. We look forward to hearing from you!
New website in progress (Sept 2023).

Drag the center line to see a BEFORE and AFTER image!
Cleaning and Restoring your Vintage Typewriter
I have been repairing typewriters since 1966 and have restored many cherished, family heirlooms for satisfied customers. Since there are few easy-to-follow typewriter service manuals for vintage typewriters, it takes hard-earned knowledge and experience to restore a neglected typewriter to its former glory.
View our image galleries and learn what goes into dismantling, cleaning, drying, polishing and reassembling your vintage typewriter when it is sent to us for restoration.
CLICK HERE to see how I clean a vintage typewriter!
Ribbons & Platens for your Vintage Typewriter
If you’re searching for a new ribbon or platen for your vintage or antique typewriter, give us a call! We stock a wide variety of ribbons for all makes and models; bring your typewriter into the store for the perfect fit. We also keep a quantity of platens in stock as we know you don’t want to wait weeks for a new platen to be custom made – you save on shipping and support a local business too!
Replacement Parts for Typewriters and more
When you bring your machine to us for repair, a few parts may need to be replaced to restore your machine to full functionality. I began repairing typewriters in 1966, and in that time I have amassed a huge inventory of parts machines. Having parts on hand allows me to repair your typewriter quickly as well as restore used typewriters for resale inhouse.
How to Pack your typewriter for shipping
To make sure that your typewriter arrives to us without shipping damage, please follow these packing instructions carefully. This is mainly for large manual typewriters, but can easily be adapted for portable typewriters, phonographs, and most other tabletop antique machines.
More About Us
During the past 57 years I have had many chances to add to my collection and to my machine service skills. Currently I only sell and repair vintage typewriters and phonographs in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Recently, Darlene and I have cut our shop time down to three days a week. Although I am not in the shop as much any more, I still maintain a home shop where I can get out of Darlene’s way!
Our Story
From being hired as a typewriter repairman trainee in Anchorage, Alaska in 1966, to owning my own office machine shop decades later, I have collected many hundreds of old mechanical goodies. For the full story, from my typewriter class at age 13 (which was not a complete failure!) to how I came to start my collection of vintage typewriters, continue to Our Story…
Phonograph Restoration
I repair and restore all kinds of mechanical Phonographs, Victrolas, Edison Cylinder and Disc Phonographs.
Whatever your needs are, from minor repairs (your phonograph will not play when you put the needle down on the record) to major repairs (a family heirloom that has been stored for decades in a barn), I will be more than happy to assist you in returning your old phonograph to its original youthful self.